A Verbrugge and Kroost design… Bird of Paradise!
Driven by mutual interest for each other’s work and the question how our disciplines relate to each other, photographer Irma Bulkens and I have worked together on a visual project. Our goal is to find out how her photography and my illustrations could strengthen and influence each other.
illustration, illustrator, illustrate, illustratie, illustreren, photography, fotografie, embroidery, borduren
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A Verbrugge and Kroost design… Bird of Paradise!

Driven by mutual interest for each other’s work and the question how our disciplines relate to each other, photographer Irma Bulkens and I have worked together on a visual project. Our goal is to find out how her photography and my illustrations could strengthen and influence each other. 
With this in mind we chose three different photographic images on which I applied an illustrative adjustment. With room for experiment Irma and I continue to work on a series of illustrated photos, or photographic illustrations. We are looking for new imagery which we’re planning to offer in the near future.


Today we’re showing the first one. A bird of paradise. A photo that Irma took in her Studio Kroost gave me the association to give the image even more colour and expression.

It is almost regrettable that we had to photograph it anew to show it here

I chose to edit the image in a traditional craft by hand, analogue, partly with water colour and partly by embroidery. Therefore the image became 3D and it was not a photo anymore. It is almost regrettable that we had to photograph it anew to show it here…;)
Curious in which direction this story will go? Make sure to follow my blog. Next time I will post more results. Stay tuned!
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