Treat of the week
The studio, which I share with photographer Irma Bulkens, is located in a recently renovated part of the De Gruyter Factory. The place where people used to make jelly and candy, has now been invaded by creative companies, which now includes me. The location of my dream may have changed, but it still represents the same. Here too, I illustrate and design and hope to be giving workshops.
illustration, book design, photography, studio
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Treat of the week

First of all, may I thank you for your vote on my dream, about which I wrote in December? I received a lot of response and feedback. Wonderful to see how much you sympathize and are willing to contribute ideas.

And then my dream took another turn. By expressing the fact that I was looking for a space and what my ambitions with this space would be, I was given an amazing proposal. A shared space in De Gruyter Factory in Den Bosch. I was asked to consider it, and I did. After considering all the cons (30 minutes from home by bike, more rent) for a minute, I said ‘yes’.

The studio, which I share with photographer Irma Bulkens, is located in a recently renovated part of the De Gruyter Factory. The place where people used to make jelly and candy, has now been invaded by creative companies, which now includes me. The location of my dream may have changed, but it still represents the same. Here too, I illustrate and design and hope to be giving workshops.

As a customer loyalty program, the store, The Gruyter, used to give children a small gift every week, also referred to as ‘the treat of the week’. And now, I am privileged enough to enjoy our studio every (work) day in a beautiful cultural heritage building, which,
to me, is nothing short of a treat!

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